New ALBUM April 4 2012

"The Domino Effect"

A great band combines good material with effortless hypnomagical grooves and artistic delivery... this will project over the stage into the audience and back... eventually changing the world...

Jump4joy have visited Fats Dominos door in his old house (pre-hurricane) together with Frogman Henry a couple of times, getting a personal glimpse of an incredible artist who's entertaining approach and fantastic song book is an inspiration for New Orleans music as well as Jamaican music, pop music, rock music and Jump4Joy music....

In this album Jump4Joy take a fresh look at Fats from where they are today - The Domino Effect!


Sneak preview


Here is Be My Guest, one of the tracks of The Domino Effect, with a video recorded in Bombay during the second tour to India 2011...